时间:2013年1月18日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 11,809 次
Hello zhao!
This is just a friendly reminder about our upcoming move to the Fiberhub datacentre in Las Vegas this weekend. To refresh: all San José services will be powered down on 19 January at 2130h PST (9:30 PM GMT-8). IMPORTANT: IF YOU HAVE A KVM SERVICE, PLEASE INITIATE A MANUAL SHUTDOWN BEFORE 2100h. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE A CLEAN SHUTDOWN FROM THE NODE. Once all of the gear is offline, we will be de-racking, loading into a cargo truck, and making the drive to Fiberhub. Barring unforeseen traffic delays, we're expecting to arrive in Las Vegas between 0500h-0600h Sunday morning. By 0900h-1000h that morning, we should have over 80% of our nodes back online and functional.
There will be an additional network outage on the 20th when we cut over to our new networking setup - we're estimating a max downtime of 10 minutes; in reality, it should be no more than 1-2 minutes to bring the router online and get the cables swapped over.
To help clear up any potential questions, here's a short FAQ for the affected users. If you have a question not answered here, please feel free to open a Billing ticket, and we'll clear up any confusion.
- Will my IPv4 address change?
Nope! We own all of our currently-assigned IPv4 space; when we bring the gear back online, your VPS will still have the same IP as it did before the move.- Will my IPv6 address change?
Unfortunately, yes. While we do have a generous amount of IPv6 space in our name, the majority of the current assignments are actually SWIP'd to us from HE. Please understand that we will not be able to take requests for specific renumbering simply due to the sheer number of clients and assigned IPv6 addresses.- Is there any risk of data loss?
Barring a catastrophic incident such as the cargo truck wrecking and catching fire (we promise that we won't let Francisco drive), there is absolutely no risk of data loss for all non-KVM services. There is only minimal risk of data loss for KVM services - clients with a KVM service are heavily encouraged to issue a full shutdown to their VPS no later than 9PM in order to eliminate this risk (we cannot guarantee a clean shutdown if we have to issue the halt from node-side).- Will I receive SLA/credit for this downtime?
Short answer: No. Long Answer: This is not unexpected maintenance, routing issues, or other types of failure that are eligible for SLA. This is a planned downtime announced well in advance (our first notice being more than a month prior to this one).- Will I be able to access the Billing Panel or StallionVM during the move?
After some consideration, we have decided against setting up a temporary mirror for our billing and management panels. The StallionVM panel would be next to useless anyways - with over 100 nodes offline, the panel would very likely lock up or cause damaging errors if clients ignoring these emails and unaware of the move repeatedly attempted to boot their VMs. The same logic applies for our billing panel - we predict that a good number of people have chosen to remain unaware of this move, and we will already be busy enough testing and moving hardware without a flood of questions in our Support Ticket system. Both panels will be temporarily replaced by a static page explaining the move for the duration of the downtime in order to prevent confusion.- With the panels down, how will we get updates during the move?
We strongly recommend simply hanging around our IRC channel (irc.frantech.ca / #frantech), as several staff members who will not be involved in the physical move will still be around to answer questions and provide updates. You are also welcome to follow Francisco (@FrantechCA) and myself (@Aldryic) on Twitter, as we will post updates via this medium as well.- Will New York services be affected?
All NY services will remain online for the duration of the move, and will not be affected. With this said, however, please be aware that we do not yet know if our NY deployment of mirrors.buyvm.net will be repaired before the move - as both locations are currently utilizing the San Jose mirror, package managers (Apt, Yum, Emerge, etc) on services in NY using our mirrors may not function correctly until we bring the gear back online in Las Vegas.- Why was the current stock removed?
This will likely be our last mass-email before the move takes place. I've pre-emptively removed all current stock to ensure that no new clients sign up after this email is sent and are unaware of the move, and we will not be reloading until 21 January at the very earliest.Hopefully this covers all major questions that may come up. Again, if there's anything further we can clear up for you, please feel free to open a support ticket to our Billing department, and we'll get any questions answered for you. From all of us at Frantech/BuyVM, thank you for your continued support, and for being the type of amazing clients that make us truly love our jobs!
声明: 博客仅为分享信息绝非推荐,网站不参与交易绝非中介,内容均仅代表个人观点绝非权威,读者请自行考虑后入手并自担风险!一分钱一分货仍是恒久不变之真理,未成年读者(包括生理和心理)请在监护人陪同下访问本站!本文由( 赵 容 )原创编译,转载请保留链接: BuyVM圣何塞迁移通告码字不易,谢绝复制粘贴! 关于使用: 本站主要分享服务器及VPS信息,不提供任何产品销售及代购,所有访客朋友请在国家法律法规许可范围内购买和使用产品,QQ群讨论:683851361. 关于安全: 任何IDC都有倒闭和跑路的可能,主机线路更不可控,月付和备份是您的最佳选择,请保持良好的、有规则的备份习惯.
2013-04-06 20:48理论上拉斯维加斯会更好点。
2013-04-06 21:53kloxo这个管理面板我想开设主机不知道怎么样。要简单一点就好了。
2013-04-06 21:54好
2013-04-06 22:27我的又打不开了,已经出现两次了、
2013-01-22 13:46我刚也收到停机报告,到现在还没恢复,不知道搞什么了
2013-01-22 13:54预计什么时候恢复,这样玩下去急死人呢!真想考虑换服务器了。。。
2013-01-22 13:57这个我咋个预计嘛。。。不晓得他在搞么子鬼,纠结啊
2013-01-22 13:58容姐姐, 😮 为什么我的网站上传了WP博客,安装好了,后台可以管理,访问主页的时候还是原来
Welcome to the home of ########To change this page, upload your website into the public_html directory
2013-01-22 15:09???什么网站?
2013-01-22 16:03已经恢复,ping基本全部在200以上了
2013-01-21 15:57是的,LVS晚上ping略高于白天,但也在可接受范围的。
2013-01-21 17:15截止发帖时仍未回复,有点坑爹呀,
2013-01-21 12:51逐步恢复中,我的已经OK了
2013-01-21 15:205555 还没有恢复啊 !
2013-01-21 09:33搬家也有我,过去了看情况,不行就不续费啦
2013-01-18 23:07延迟方面,早上优于晚上,跟现在在圣何塞差不多的ping,联通也还可以。
2013-01-18 23:20我有同机房产品。
2013-01-18 16:44我从来不看群消息,也不回群消息,所有的群,都有管理员处理的,有管理员在线的时候,就会通过。
2013-01-18 16:52还有,尽量备注下会增加通过的速度。
你不看群消息啊 那我还进去干吗啊。本来想跟你套套近乎呢
2013-01-18 16:58Account approved request
2013-01-18 17:10IP Address: 123.4.111.xx
2013-01-18 17:12我是buyvm的客户,他家一直很稳定。这个搬家到las vegas之后,速度比现在更快。现在稳定在230~250ms的ping,新的ip测试速度在180~200ms,据说会更加稳定!
2013-01-18 11:50想问容哥,buyvm搬家后kvm会不会放货啊~??
2013-01-18 10:00我估计会,因为搬家可能会导致客户流失吧,不过这是我个人想法,官方放不放我还真的不知道的。
2013-01-18 10:14不知道拉斯维加斯Fiberhub机房速度怎么样?现在的圣何塞还是很不错的。
2013-01-18 08:58We promise that we won’t let Francisco drive..笑死我了。。。。。
2013-01-18 07:50哈哈。我也笑死了。。Francisco的技术这么烂么?
2013-01-18 16:35我访问官网怎么没见你这张图啊,购买链接还是有圣何塞的。
2013-01-18 01:27什么都不换的,机器拉过去,插上电,开机,IP广播下,就OK了
2013-01-18 08:29