
BuyVM joins Cloudzy AI(BuyVM被Cloudzy收购)


来自LET的消息,成立于2010年的BuyVM被Cloudzy AI收购,收购后的人员、产品价格都不会变,只是换了个老板。数据中心方面卢森堡数据中心将迁移至荷兰,其他拉斯维加斯、纽约、迈阿密全部保留,后面再增加宿主机全部采用AMD Ryzen7900或者7950X,总体来说除了在用卢森堡VPS的用户后面会受影响,其他基本不变。


架构 CPU 内存 硬盘 带宽 价格 购买
单核 512MB 10GB 1Gbps $2/月 点击购买
单核 1GB 20GB 1Gbps $3.5/月 点击购买
单核 2GB 40GB 1Gbps $7/月 点击购买
单核 4GB 80GB 1Gbps $15/月 点击购买
双核 8GB 160GB 1Gbps $30/月 点击购买
三核 12GB 240GB 1Gbps $45/月 点击购买
四核 16GB 320GB 1Gbps $60/月 点击购买


架构 CPU 内存 硬盘 带宽 价格 购买
单核 512MB 10GB 1Gbps $2/月 点击购买
单核 1GB 20GB 1Gbps $3.5/月 点击购买
单核 2GB 40GB 1Gbps $7/月 点击购买
单核 4GB 80GB 1Gbps $15/月 点击购买
双核 8GB 160GB 1Gbps $30/月 点击购买
三核 12GB 240GB 1Gbps $45/月 点击购买
四核 16GB 320GB 1Gbps $60/月 点击购买


架构 CPU 内存 硬盘 带宽 价格 购买
单核 512MB 10GB 1Gbps $2/月 点击购买
单核 1GB 20GB 1Gbps $3.5/月 点击购买
单核 2GB 40GB 1Gbps $7/月 点击购买
单核 4GB 80GB 1Gbps $15/月 点击购买
双核 8GB 160GB 1Gbps $30/月 点击购买
三核 12GB 240GB 1Gbps $45/月 点击购买
四核 16GB 320GB 1Gbps $60/月 点击购买

存储块(Block Storage Slabs)

容量 价格 容量 价格 容量 价格
256GB $1.25/月 512GB $2.5/月 1TB $5/月
2TB $10/月 3TB $15/月 4TB $20/月
5TB $25/月 6TB $30/月 7TB $35/月
8TB $40/月 9TB $45/月 10TB $50/月
BuyVM提供的VPS主机安装Linux或者Windows操作系统,IPv4+/48IPv6,1Gbps端口不限制流量,可以选购高防IP、购买存储块(Block Storage Slabs),网站采用加元计费,支持使用支付宝、PayPal、信用卡等付款方式。

We’re happy to announce that as of January 7th 2025 BuyVM has been acquired by Cloudzy AI!


Quite simply, it’s time for a change, and that change for me is focusing on NameCrane, our domain registrar.

I’ll still handle a lot of the more complex tasks at BuyVM and support requests, but Hannan and his team at Cloudzy AI will bring much needed upgrades, new products, and maybe if asked nicely, new locations.

So, you’re staying with BuyVM?

Yep. I’ll be working for both companies, focusing on infrastructure, advanced support requests, as well as supporting multiple teams.
You’ll still be able to talk to me directly on Discord or on hosting forums like WebhostingTalk, LowEndTalk, and LowEndSpirit.

Who’s Cloudzy AI?

Cloudzy AI is a Cloud/VPS service provider operated by Hannan Nozari, a friend of mine that I’ve known since our days doing gameserver hosting under Frantech. He fully supports our stance on Freedom of Speech & Law of the Land. We’re in good hands.

We wouldn’t have considered this acquisition otherwise.

I’ve personally known Hannan for over 15 years (since before BuyVM). Cloudzy has colocated servers with BuyVM for almost 2 years now, allowing me to work closely with his teams on a near daily basis.
In that time I’ve been able to see how skilled & driven they are. From their development team, to their support team, to their leadership. I have no doubt we’ll dream up new products & features that I couldn’t do with how small I’ve kept the BuyVM team.

What changes should we expect?

Your current pricing & services aren’t changing at all. No change in pricing. No reduction in resources. No IP address renumbering. No downgrades in hardware. No loss of features (Anycast, DDOS protection, BGP, etc).
All the staff you’ve grown to love are still here. Akash, Leo, Mateus, & Dave, are sticking around.

Our content policies are staying the same as well; Law of the Land. Our TOR policy isn’t changing, although we ask that you update your EXIT policies to block port 22. Our fair share bandwidth policies stay the same.


Luxembourg is moving in the next 6 months. The location has become borderline impossible for us to operate due to a lack of Remote Hands, as well as non stop vendor related issues. More on this in the next week or two.
This means the location will likely move to the Netherlands. This isn’t a choice I’ve wanted to make, but the 6 hour total outage in November, and an additional 2 day outage on one of our hypervisors is what’s breaking our backs.

New York, Vegas, & Miami, are staying put, with Miami aiming to get additional bandwidth providers soon.

What improvements are coming?

Lots, all good things. New hardware, a new website, a proper marketing & sales team, and more support staff. New product lines and new locations will come in time.
With the changes in Luxembourg, we’ll be deploying all new 7900/7950X based nodes and live migrating everyone we can from LUX to NL. No IP changes required (unless you’re wanting to renumber for some reason).

We’ll also be joining at least 1 Internet Exchange in the area as well (something that was pointless in Luxembourg).

Closing thoughts

As always, we thank you for your years of patronage and hope to continue seeing you around!

A word from Hannan at Cloudzy AI

Thank you to all our valued customers for your continued trust and support throughout the years. We want to reassure you that, with these updates, there’s no need to worry about the future of your services. Cloudzy remains committed to providing top-tier performance and reliability, and your data will always be in safe hands with us. We look forward to continuing to serve you for many more years to come.

