时间:2020年11月5日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 2,178 次
At Cheap Windows VPS, we are always innovating our products to provide you with the best possible services at low prices. We understand that the current business landscape is challenging so keeping costs down and services online is our number one priority. Today we announce our newly improved VPS packages at lower prices. We hope we can continue to support your ever-expanding need for more disk space, memory, and bandwidth.
CheapWindowsVPS是成立于2007年的一家老牌国外Windows VPS主机商,商家提供基于KVM架构的产品,数据中心包括美国洛杉矶、达拉斯、芝加哥、纽约、英国伦敦、法国、新加坡等等,商家提供的套餐均为高配,比如上面所言并提供几款特别VPS套餐,最低4GB内存起,均为1Gbps无限制流量,优惠后首月最低仅7.2美元。
Take 20% off your first month using the coupon code: FIRST(使用优惠码:FIRST,可获得首月20%优惠)
标签: 1Gbps不限流量 , CheapWindowsVPS , CheapWindowsVPS优惠码 , KVM , windows VPS , 新加坡 , 无限流量VPS , 洛杉矶
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