时间:2017年12月30日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 4,718 次
标签: NFPHosting , OpenVZ , 洛杉矶
声明: 博客仅为分享信息绝非推荐,网站不参与交易绝非中介,内容均仅代表个人观点绝非权威,读者请自行考虑后入手并自担风险!一分钱一分货仍是恒久不变之真理,未成年读者(包括生理和心理)请在监护人陪同下访问本站!本文由( 赵 容 )原创编译,转载请保留链接: NFPHosting:$6/年OpenVZ-512MB/10GB/2TB 洛杉矶码字不易,谢绝复制粘贴! 关于使用: 本站主要分享服务器及VPS信息,不提供任何产品销售及代购,所有访客朋友请在国家法律法规许可范围内购买和使用产品,QQ群讨论:683851361. 关于安全: 任何IDC都有倒闭和跑路的可能,主机线路更不可控,月付和备份是您的最佳选择,请保持良好的、有规则的备份习惯.
2018-03-19 22:09测试下国外ping,如果国外通就是国内Q了
2018-03-20 09:59测试是被X了,工单提出被Q问题。
2018-03-20 22:34老司机看看以下工单回复是什么意思?
In accordance to our terms and conditions, you are not eligible for a refund.
Apologies about this!
> We offer a 3 day money back guarantee on shared hosting, reseller hosting, and VPS hosting services. Any refund requests submitted past this timeframe are evaluated on a case by case basis. We’re confident that you won’t ever have to utilize our refund policy as you’ll be so pleased with our services, however we certainly wish to work with any client that is having an issue with our services! Clients who have violated our TOS/AUP have forfeited any eligibility for a refund. Please be aware that special promotions are priced in a manner whereby hard costs of provisioning are internally absorbed, therefore in some cases, we might be unable to guarantee refunds on special promotions.
How can we ensure you are fully satisfied?
Thank you!
Jamie Donati
Client Support
Customer Help Center: https://support.nfphosting.com/
NFP Hosting – Premium Solutions. Friendly People. Service Delivered.
2018-03-20 23:43nfphosting这家大家还是慎重购买吧,目前给的基本都是被墙IP,不给换也不给退款,申请palpay之后,也不主动解决问题,直接把你的vps服务停权。
2018-03-24 13:48流量好像是双向统计的
2018-03-13 22:02嗯,文章中我没有特别说明的,都是双向计算流量。
2018-03-13 22:27前两个月新申请的IP就block,5天后才换了个IP,不过又封了,当然,这不怪人家。但 现在新的6刀 ,直接给block的IP不算,问第一个IP给改下,千篇一律的复制粘贴回复。
2018-03-09 16:24Hi,
It seems to your server IP blocked on china great firewall. This is a local issue on your end.I recommend connecting via a V*P)N. This is not our fault your IP address has been filtered by your government.
Thank you!
Jamie Donati
Client Support
2018-01-23 09:35