时间:2016年8月18日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 3,735 次
** IMPORTANT EMAIL NOTICE** Please read this email in its entirety and let us know if you have any questions! (Relevant information that pertains to active Crissic services)
Based upon market driving-forces and an abundance of client feedback, Crissic has been refocusing service offerings towards providing an upscale user-experience and managed services. With the completion of our initial planning phase, Crissic is now ready to move forward with this product offering at full force.
What does this mean to you?
Due to service and infrastructure improvements being implemented, the following current service types will no longer be available (or renewed) after their respective service expiration dates:
The following information is important to any clients that have any of the above services:
IP Address Re-Numbering (applies to some customers):
In order to complete our implementation phase, infrastructure will be further integrated into our premium network. While we have delayed and withheld any changes to IPv4 addressing since the Crissic acquisition, it is now necessary that IPv4 resources are restructured.
What does this mean to you?
Starting 8/18/16, some clients may receive a change of IPv4 address. If your IPv4 address requires renumbering, you will receive an email from Crissic’s Support Staff notifying you of your new IPv4 addresses.
We do value any feedback and sincerely appreciate your business; please contact us with any questions you may have.
Thank You,
Crissic Solutions
Fully Managed VPS & Dedicated Server Solutions
标签: Crissic , Crissic无法续费
声明: 博客仅为分享信息绝非推荐,网站不参与交易绝非中介,内容均仅代表个人观点绝非权威,读者请自行考虑后入手并自担风险!一分钱一分货仍是恒久不变之真理,未成年读者(包括生理和心理)请在监护人陪同下访问本站!本文由( 赵 容 )原创编译,转载请保留链接: Crissic那些廉价套餐到期后将终止无法续费码字不易,谢绝复制粘贴! 关于使用: 本站主要分享服务器及VPS信息,不提供任何产品销售及代购,所有访客朋友请在国家法律法规许可范围内购买和使用产品,QQ群讨论:683851361. 关于安全: 任何IDC都有倒闭和跑路的可能,主机线路更不可控,月付和备份是您的最佳选择,请保持良好的、有规则的备份习惯.
2016-08-22 11:51它家的月付的,9月还收费继续的,看来只有季付,年付的要停止了。早知道,LA的那个就一个个月买了。。。。。。。
2016-09-05 21:24借容哥的宝地,顺便出我的传家宝,15刀virmach, 1GB RAM – 100GB SSD – 2TB BW @ 1Gbps – 2 vCore – 2x IPv4,openvz, 机房在NY
2016-08-20 16:48IP变倒没事,主要是到期不给续费
2016-08-19 13:03是的,我也是希望可以续费。
2016-08-19 17:45前两个月刚续费,应该给个交代
2016-08-19 09:57续费的用到到期,到期了不再让续费。
2016-08-19 17:45希望倒是能续费吧
2016-08-19 20:40按照他邮件的意思,估计要死了这条心了。。。
2016-08-19 22:38妈的,在刚收购的时候我就想要不要迁出,结果他们发通告说会继续运营下去,原有产品不受影响,结果现在还有将近半年的时间给我来个这,而且最主要的是现有产品的IP地址可能会变。真是操蛋!
2016-08-18 15:19IP地址变了就变了,最烦的是到期没了!
2016-08-18 21:25被QN收购后 数据还能拿出来 这点不错 😛
2016-08-30 05:47悲剧了,呵呵
2016-08-18 14:18又不是搬瓦工?
2016-08-19 19:35哈哈,我也有个传家宝,收到邮件了,看来没得玩了。
2016-08-18 09:57