时间:2016年6月17日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 5,432 次
None of this would have been possible without the dedication and engagement of our employees, who care a great deal about you, our customer, and about the work we do. We’ve attracted some of the most passionate, brilliant, and handsome people I’ve ever met (BTW, we’re hiring). So, a big thanks to everyone here at Linode.
We also want to thank you for your business and support all these years. As a token of our gratitude, we’re announcing free RAM upgrades for both new and existing customers. Here’s the breakdown:
Old Plan(老套餐) New Plan(新套餐) Price(价格)
Linode 1 GB->Linode 2 GB $10/mo ($0.015/hr)
Linode 2 GB->Linode 4 GB $20/mo ($0.03/hr)
Linode 4 GB->Linode 8 GB $40/mo ($0.06/hr)
Linode 8 GB->Linode 12 GB $80/mo ($0.12/hr)
Linode 16 GB->Linode 24 GB $160/mo ($0.24/hr)
Linode 32 GB->Linode 48 GB $320/mo ($0.48/hr)
Linode 48 GB->Linode 64 GB $480/mo ($0.72/hr)
Linode 64 GB->Linode 80 GB $640/mo ($0.96/hr)
Linode 96 GB->Linode 120 GB $960/mo ($1.44/hr)
View the full plan list(查看全部的套餐)
The free upgrade is available immediately. At the top of your Linode’s dashboard you will see the upgrade banner. It should be just the press of a button and a reboot for many of you, however sometimes a migration will be required – which typically just takes a few minutes.
This upgrade is available only for KVM Linodes. Legacy Xen Linodes will have to first upgrade to KVM before being able to take advantage of the RAM upgrade. You can upgrade your Xen Linodes to KVM using the “Upgrade to KVM” link on the lower-right side of your Linode’s dashboard.
Unfortunately, since Tokyo is sold out, the upgrade is not available there. We hope to have our second Tokyo facility online before the end of the year.
In addition to the new facility, our teams are working hard on the new API (inpublic alpha), the new open source Linode Manager, and the significant improvements to our networking infrastructure including transit, peering, and bandwidth upgrades. We’re also very excited about our future office in Philadelphia – a beautiful neoclassical 110-year-old former bank building right at the heart of N3RD Street. Renovations are underway and we hope to be working out of there in the spring.
We continue to build upon the foundations of a company that is big enough to handle its customers’ needs but small enough to care. We hope we’re accomplishing that. You have our eternal gratitude for your business. Stay tuned for more!
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2016-06-20 12:33Linode的密码遗忘了,账号也不记得了
2016-06-20 09:39貌似也就我的日本节点还不错,至今也没被墙
2016-06-17 23:30很多的,我账户2个也一样,而且我运气不错,开了这几年就开到过一次墙了的IP,删了再开就好了。
2016-06-18 07:36日本不能直接升级,但是重开机器,转移一下数据就行了。
2016-06-17 21:20可能货源紧张,提示不可用的话,需要不停的刷。
2016-06-17 21:22给力的Linode 🙂
2016-06-17 17:22linode非常好,只是我的日本节点不在升级之列
2016-06-17 13:04你这个域名这个站。。。
2016-06-17 13:21这个站够猛,节操成吨的往下掉= =
2016-08-10 10:56其实我建议出5刀一个月的,很多小站其实5刀的512M也许就够了
2016-06-17 09:53恩,出了5刀估计就真的烂了,他搞个10刀起步还是拦了一批人了~~~~
2016-06-17 09:55最开始他还是20刀起步呢,后面降了一次
2016-06-17 09:59恩,do,vultr这些也还可以吧,只是尽量不要去挤亚洲节点。
2016-06-17 10:01现在的价格确实可以,日本不推荐,全是做V*P*N的,跟他们做邻居一点都不爽
2016-06-17 09:37是啊,全是代*理,IP很多都被搞死了国内屏蔽
2016-06-17 09:38Linode的日本网络稳定性一般,我建议读者多关注他的美国节点,比如弗里蒙特或者达拉斯,目前2G内存KVM这个价格我个人觉得还是算有一定的性价比了。日本节点都是中国客户,你想想网络能有多好??
2016-06-17 09:35日本貌似已经绕路了,我觉得这家基本上没什么优势了。
2016-06-17 09:16呵呵,我手里的很官方的测试IP我都试了下,100多ms如果是绕路的话,那只能买阿里云国内了,国内主机不会出现线路问题。
2016-06-17 09:26如果认为linode的优势就是有日本机房,就错了
2016-06-17 09:27我只能说性价比不是看有没有亚洲机房,是根据配置、价格、稳定性、客服响应等等综合因素评判。
2016-06-17 09:30当然,对线路要求高的话首选阿里云香港或者阿里云国内主机,我比较认可,毕竟国内对海外访问线路的问题是癌症,属于无解的部分。
2016-06-17 09:30给力,这次升级之后性价比秒了很多idc
2016-06-17 08:50👿
2016-06-17 09:27没日本,升级到母鸡,有啥用。
2016-06-17 08:46很多做站的朋友购买弗里蒙特,并不只有日本有人买。
2016-06-17 08:48弗里蒙特的速度和稳定性似乎不如从前了
2016-06-17 09:41那就癌了,不然阿里云或者rackspace、aws
2016-06-17 09:54