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ImpactVPS:$6/月VDR-4GB/45G SSD/2TB/5IP 西雅图&达拉斯&纽约

时间:2016年3月11日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 3,762 次





CPU:4 cores

内存:4 GB

硬盘:45G SSD



IP/面板:5个/Custom Control Panel


优惠码:1year3locations   测试IP: 下载测试

邮件是说订购的时候可以选三个数据中心的,不过目前貌似还没加上,另外你以前要是用的西雅图现在想换到新节点也可以,删除新开($4手续费)。主机商提供的产品是VDR,就是可以分拆成几个VPS的产品,最低款一年12刀的也有货,需要的可以看我之前的文章:ImpactVPS:$12/年OpenVZ-512MB/10G SSD/500GB 西雅图


This month marks the one year anniversary of our Impact VPS brand, and boy it has gone fast. The explosive number of orders we had on day one and the number of you that participated in the beta of our service surprised any expectations we had. During the last year we have expanded to many more nodes, started a shared web hosting brand (Impact Shared), started offering software licenses and much more. We could not have done it without you and I would like to thank you for that.

As you probably know, our VDR services are currently only offered in Seattle, WA. One of the most requested changes to our service, throughout the year, was to add additional locations. We initially started on the journey of this upgrade in the fall of last year but ran into some complications with our developer. We restarted up our efforts to make these modifications, with a new developer, early this year. Today I am happy to announce that these upgrades have been completed.

Starting today we are adding two additional locations to our mix, Dallas TX and New York City, NY. These locations are available to any and all VDR packages. Now when you go to create a new VM you will see a new option asking for the location to deploy to.

If you want to move an existing vm to one of these new locations, there is not currently an automated way to do this. You will have to destroy the existing vm and then make it again in the new location. If you require the data to be moved with the server (and are not able to restore it yourself) we can move it for you for a small $4 fee.

There are also a few other minor changes. VMs will no longer be required to be restarted to make specification changes, changes will be made live on the fly. We have also removed the requirement to have an IPv4 address with a VM. This will allow you to create IPv6 only VMs. The ability to downgrade the IPs on a VM you have created without opening a support ticket has also been added. We will also be implementing per VPS resource limits. The specific limits will be based on your plan and are detailed HERE. Any existing servers are not subject to these limits. They simply cannot be upgraded past what they currently have. Newly created VMs will respect the limits. We will of course be evaluating the limits over time and making adjustments to serve the needs of our customers.

To celebrate these changes and one year of Impact VPS we have a limited time deal you will not see again anytime soon.

50% off, recurring, any plan VDR4 or higher using promo code: 1year3locations

With all the major changes that were made to our code there is a possibility of bugs. We have heavily tested but there is still a chance. If you find any issues please report them to us by opening a support ticket and we will work to resolve them ASAP.

If you have any questions about what was announced in this email, please do not hesitate to open a support ticket in the client area.


Alex Wacker Founder and Owner Subnet Labs LLC


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关于使用: 本站主要分享服务器及VPS信息,不提供任何产品销售及代购,所有访客朋友请在国家法律法规许可范围内购买和使用产品,QQ群讨论:683851361.
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ImpactVPS:$6/月VDR-4GB/45G SSD/2TB/5IP 西雅图&达拉斯&纽约:目前有8 条留言

  1. 醉了。。一个vps至多分配两个ip…也就是说4G的VDR必须要分成至少3个vps才能把IP用完。。。平均每个VPS只能分配1-2核的CPU和1300M内存真是蛋疼。。。。

    2016-03-12 17:28 [回复]
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      这家的性能还是不错的,网络是真心好,节点都是E5-2620-v3,比那个hostwinds(weloveservers迁移)给的1200mhz的E5-2620 v3爽多了

      2016-03-13 01:02 [回复]
  2. 他家的收款系统好像有问题。。paypal一直支付不成功,信用卡支付也总是出错。。。

    2016-03-12 09:51 [回复]
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    2016-03-11 15:20 [回复]
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      赵 容:


      2016-03-11 16:00 [回复]
      • 奇怪了,我博客的回帖通知邮件发送不到Gmail,但是发到QQ邮箱可以。难道我 VPS 的IP被屏蔽了 ?

        2016-03-11 16:07 [回复]
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          赵 容:


          2016-03-11 16:09 [回复]
          • 垃圾箱里面也没有,我自己再捣鼓一下吧。

            2016-03-11 16:26 [回复]


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