时间:2015年8月14日 栏目:VPS 作者:赵 容 点击: 5,278 次
My name is Ilan Mishan – CEO of QuadraNet Inc. I am sending you this e-mail to welcome you to the QuadraNet family. QuadraNet is now operating the Crissic brand with the extensive resources at our disposal.
First and foremost, I'd like to assure you that QuadraNet has no plans to change the excellent pricing and services offered to you by Crissic. That said, at least while the transition is underway, QuadraNet has elected to discontinue sales and marketing for the brand.
We hope that you continue to enjoy the services we provide and welcome you to check out QuadraNet's other offerings, if they appropriately suit your business needs.
Thank you for your continued patronage; we look forward to doing business with you!
Ilan Mishan
Chief Executive Officer
Location: Jacksonville, FL (JAX)
Date: Saturday, August 22nd, 2015
Start Time: 5:00PM EDT
End Time: 3:00AM EDT
In order to offer better connectivity and to offer an improved level of hands-on support, your equipment is being moved to QuadraNet’s Miami facility. You should expect a total of one outage, up to 10 hours in length. Each hypervisor will be shut down gracefully at the start of the migration.
In order to minimize the risk of extended downtime, and ensure that equipment is safely and securely transported to the new facility, QuadraNet staff members will be on-site to complete this migration. The new facility is located in Miami, FL and has substantial cross-connect capacity to all major Miami internet exchanges and meet-me-rooms. If you have any problems with your connection after the maintenance window, or if you have any questions regarding the maintenance at any point, please contact our support department at support#crissic.net.
标签: Crissic , Crissic被收购 , QuadraNet收购Crissic
声明: 博客仅为分享信息绝非推荐,网站不参与交易绝非中介,内容均仅代表个人观点绝非权威,读者请自行考虑后入手并自担风险!一分钱一分货仍是恒久不变之真理,未成年读者(包括生理和心理)请在监护人陪同下访问本站!本文由( 赵 容 )原创编译,转载请保留链接: Crissic已被QuadraNet收购(持续更新中……)码字不易,谢绝复制粘贴! 关于使用: 本站主要分享服务器及VPS信息,不提供任何产品销售及代购,所有访客朋友请在国家法律法规许可范围内购买和使用产品,QQ群讨论:683851361. 关于安全: 任何IDC都有倒闭和跑路的可能,主机线路更不可控,月付和备份是您的最佳选择,请保持良好的、有规则的备份习惯.
请问是不是my.crissic.net 这个网址已经不能访问了
2015-09-25 16:25晕,你不说我没看,真的是访问不到,还好,我的VPS还是好的。
2015-09-25 16:27VPS管理面板还是好的
2015-09-25 16:29manage.crissic.net
2015-08-17 10:13现在不是你买不买的问题,而是人家停止之前的套餐销售了,再说了收购方是美国大机房,难道还怕吃了你的钱跑了?
2015-08-17 11:03被大机房收购的话,更不怕跑路了。
2015-08-17 16:22用过这家,kvm,
2015-08-15 19:37硬盘IO差劲到爆,从来没见过这么差的,
我才买了8天 是不是要退款啊 联通到这个vps 在中间的一个节点经常丢包抽风, 不知道什么情况 去bandwagon就没丢包, 这个和alpharacks相比怎么样? 是不是要趁10天退款期没到去退了买alpharacks啊 博主能给点意见吗?
2015-08-15 12:38估计以后再也不会跑路了。建议留着。
2015-08-15 18:1314年的时候用过一年这家的,挺便宜的,今年换到DO了……
2015-08-14 15:43所以这个收购有毛用。。。
2015-08-14 11:01今天也收到邮件了
2015-08-14 10:55❓ 赶紧把数据备份下
2015-08-14 10:22