
Backy LLC感恩节5G空间优惠码



首先是我使用的这个空间的优惠消息,来自主机商发来的邮件显示,在11月27日前,使用优惠码:life50 购买永久使用的主机,最低可以以50美金购买永远使用的5GB空间,150GB月流量,还是蛮吸引人的~~,下面是引用邮件内容,大家可以去看看。

If you are interested in getting this you can order it at the price says $100 however as a special thank you I will be providing 50% off so you can purchase our cPanel Special package for a lifetime at $50. This is only avaliable for new domains that are being hosted with Backy LLC.

This offer expires in 48 hours. So if you want to get in on this once in a lifetime hosting offer make sure to check it out and purchase now! The coupon code: life50 is only valid until 11/27/2010. Make sure to spread the word to anyone and everyone you know so they can get in on this great offer!

Backy LLC的空间本博正在使用,个人觉得速度和稳定性还算不错的,抽风的次数不算太多,可以接受,美国空间嘛,这是国情,没办法的。这次这个永久使用的空间,大小为5GB,月流量150GB,其余都是不限制的,可以做N个站。需要的朋友可以按邮件中的地址去看看。

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