


昨天BlueVM开了1美元/月的VPS(用优惠码:NEWCP,官网第一款原价2.5的那款,时不时上货,想要的可以看下),基于OpenVZ架构,使用了新的面板Feathur,数据中心在纽约,虽然写了一个在后台,可是我的习惯问题害了我:写的时候还有18个,晚上Out Of Stock,白写了直接删除。不过,在LET有人放出了这个面板,感觉还是不错的。所以,今天的文章我就写点最近的这些杂七杂八的东西。











附DS邮件原文,有些朋友貌似没收到一样呢?标题:All Customers Being Upgraded To SSD!

To all of our current and future customers. We’re excited to announce that we’ll be launching our ALL NEW SSD VPS nodes within the next month. All current customers will be transferred over at no extra cost, and there will be no expected downtime. New customers will come to expect the same low cost pricing that we’ve provided over the last few years but now with SSD enabled nodes.
Node hardware
2x Xeon E5-2630L Processors
ALL SSD (DC Edition) RAID-10
10GB Redundant Uplinks
The above setup will provide a much better environment for our customers including improved uptime/network speeds, and blazing fast read/write speeds at over 300MB/s.
Process of virtual server migration.

1.New nodes will be arriving this upcoming week and will be integrated into our setup.

2.Customers will be migrated on a node basis. This meaning that we will completely migrate customers one node at a time to ensure all goes smoothly.

3.An email will be sent out when customer’s VPS has been migrated to a new SSD node.
What’s changing?

To begin, all of our current nodes will be decommissioned. In terms of performance, we’ve utilized all that we can out of them considering their RE4 hard drives are mechanically limited to read/write. The SSD setup will bring in a much more stable and faster environment.

Our support will also get a boost. We’ve hired new techs to work around the clock in providing support to customers.  We’re hoping to get back to our 10-minute SLA very soon.

We’re also expanding our Windows/Linux offerings to KVM. Now you’ll be able to get dedicated resources with the KVM based hypervisor with the ability to install either Windows or Linux within the same VPS.


As always, we’re dedicated to providing our customers with a better experience. Please feel free to contact us with any ideas or thoughts on how we might make this experience a better one.


DSN Team

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