时间:2013年7月16日 栏目:VPS优惠动态 作者:赵 容 点击: 6,236 次
CPU:8 cores
内存:1 GB
突发内存:1 GB
硬盘:20 GB
月流量:4 TB
1 IP/SolusVM
标签: OpenVZ , photonvps , PhotonVPS优惠码 , XEN , 洛杉矶
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2013-07-26 09:15超级高的断线率
我是五折果断入手的,第一台JJ硬盘金刚石…换第二台给我分了个OffShoreIP段…电信联通都是走Alert线路跑环球旅行…然后又要求换了个WestCoast的HE.net段 现在用起来还不错,CPU八核跑分2200…但是硬盘还是有点硬….
2013-07-16 15:55感谢分享!
2013-07-16 15:58至于工单之类的 有关客服的还可以吧 我自己用英文发工单基本上都是一两个小时回复的 态度很好 最后那个HE.net段对于教育网接口有节点问题 同样的是跑Alert线路的环球旅行 联系客服还专门做了优化 现在走的是Alert的Lax登陆点 延迟白天230~240ms 晚上190~220ms差不多 电信联通都是He.net Lax点 电信白天170~190ms 晚上180~220ms
2013-07-16 21:55请大家不要买这家的vps 买了个 Xen Linux 512MB内存,1G SWAP,35GB硬盘,1000GB流量 ping 国内 多线+联通 连接一直超时
2013-07-05 19:06我用这家用了1年多了,速度还可以,提交的工单也都有回复的。
2013-07-05 05:48要是负面评价,我看百度一下,没有哪家没有的,自己用着自己感觉合适就行了。
要是每个人都说我被坑了,要投稿了,容哥就该开另一个博客专门给人自己去写氻 😆
2013-07-04 13:23我想写一篇我的遭遇,不知道赵蓉接不接受投稿。。
你发生了神马事情?简单说一下好不 ❓
2013-07-04 23:56蓉啊,photonvps昨天给我发来信息,说我滥用vps,麻烦帮忙看下这个怎么解决。
This is an email notice to inform you that we’ve had abuse reports regarding your server. It appears that your server’s DNS named service (BIND) is being exploited to leverage outgoing attacks on other networks. This is due to the configuration allowing a feature called “recursion” to be enabled/allowed. This is due to a setting on your server and we would like to offer to you a quick fix to resolve this issue. This fix will prevent future issues as well as resolve the current exploit.
First method: Attached is a script that you can upload to your server and run as the root user. The file is called namedfix.pl.txt. You would upload it as namedfix.pl or whatever you wish to call it. You would then either set execute permissions on the file (chmod 700 namedfix.pl) or run it with the perl command as: perl namedfix.pl. This should do everything automatically for you.
Second method: If you wish to apply this manually and not use the script attached, then you would locate your named.conf file (likely at /etc/named.conf). You should back up the file first, calling it something unique. Example: cp -a /etc/named.conf /etc/named.conf-safebackup. Then, once you have a safe copy of your current config file, you would open the /etc/named.conf file using your favorite text editor (vi, nano/pico, etc.) and within the options { } block, you would add the following two lines (ensuring they don’t exist and are set to allow recursion; if they are, this needs to be disabled):
allow-recursion { “none”; };
recursion no;
For example, it will look similar to:
options {
listen-on port 53 { any; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { any; };
directory “/var/named”;
dump-file “/var/named/data/cache_dump.db”;
statistics-file “/var/named/data/named_stats.txt”;
Based on the above example, you would modify it to look like this:
options {
listen-on port 53 { any; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { any; };
directory “/var/named”;
dump-file “/var/named/data/cache_dump.db”;
statistics-file “/var/named/data/named_stats.txt”;
allow-recursion { “none”; };
recursion no;
You will now need to reload the named service. This can be done via: service named reload Or service named restart for the changes to take effect. If you experience any errors/issues, please revert your last file and restart the service. Example: cp -af /etc/named.conf-safebackup /etc/named.conf Once you restart the service, review the changes, ensure you didn’t make any typos/syntax errors and repeat this process. If it still fails, please ask us for assistance and provide the appropriate login credentials where relevant and we’ll take a look.
Please note: If you find that you need recursion enabled, then it needs to be safely listed and specifically allowed to a certain IP, network or range, instead of to the world.
Once again, the script attached should be able to be ran on any server with BIND/named and will auto-fix this, if that makes it easier. Thank you for your attention on this matter. Please let us know if you have any questions or problems.
他还给了个附件namedfix.pl.txt 怎么操作啊这个。另外问了一个朋友,朋友说这是linux主机的操作方法,但是我的是windows的vps。
2013-07-02 07:11直接回复他,你是windows,上面提供的方法都不适用吧。
2013-07-02 10:11